

It is time to get your pond in shape. Preparing and caring for your pond in spring sets you up for a year of ease and enjoyment.

Make your pond a focal point of your garden. After the clearing and cutting back in the winter. Now it’s time to start a pond spring clean and get planting again. This is an instant way to encourage wildlife and add colour. Plus it reduces the risk of illnesses and disease amongst your fish and prevents algae blooms.


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Spring Food Recommendation

As we begin to spend more time outside why not pick a feed to enhance the vibrancy of your pond fish. This floating complete food provides balanced nutrition with added carotenoids.

  • Suitable for all brightly coloured pond fish species.
  • Carotenoids naturally enhance the red, yellow, and orange colour pigments.
  • Visible results after just a few weeks of regular feeding.
  • Contains high-quality, vital nutrients, minerals, trace elements, and vitamins as well as carotenoids for a balanced diet.
  • Highly digestible.