

There isn’t as much care needed in these colder months so why not make water testing your New Years’ resolution. It’s important to monitor your water values for healthy fish.

Fish enter a state of dormancy during the winter. This is often mistaken for hibernation, however, there are vital differences. During dormancy, the metabolism of a fish slows as the temperature drops. Crucially, however, they will continue to need a food source, specifically quick and easily digestible foods, such as Tetra Pond Wheatgerm Sticks.


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Winter Food Recommendation

Tetra Wheatgerm Sticks provide a complete diet of balanced nutrients for pond fish. Wheatgerm is easily digestible and ideal for lower water temperatures of below 10 °C.

  • Suitable for all pond fish.
  • Ideal and quick energy source for low water temperatures.
  • Easy to digest thanks to the fibre-rich premium wheatgerm.
  • Easy to eat and highly digestible for improved water quality.